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Українські реферати та твори » Языковедение » Англійська, практика мови. Питання й квитки

Реферат Англійська, практика мови. Питання й квитки

Екзаменаційний квиток по предмету


Білет № 1

1) Translate from English into Russian:
How much do I have to pay in duty?

2) Translate from Russian into English:
Чи повинен я вказати цю суму в декларації?

3) Answer the following question:
Why does the expression В«English cuisineВ» sound a little strange to the English?

4) Put the words in the correct order:

5) Complete the sentence: The treatre has always been very strong in ...

6) Make up а dialogue:
A: What's wrong with Kelvin?
B: ...
A: Isn't he sick?
B: ...

7) Ask the question so that th

e sentence was the answer to it:
- No, I can't afford this dress. It's too expensive.

8) Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
Ten minutes later, the butcher ran into the shop waving the ЕЃ 20 note.

9) Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
Music, English and Maths are different sorts of ... (Subjects, staff, terms).

10) Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: всьому своя черга

Зав. кафедрою

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Екзаменаційний квиток по предмету


Білет № 2

1) Translate from English into Russian:
I thought what an interesting case I must be from a medical point of view, what an acquisition I should be to a class! Students would have no need to "Walk the hospitals" if they had me. I was a hospital in myself.

2) Translate from Russian into English:
Хірург; швидка допомога; кашляти; розпродаж; знижки 50-70%; спізнюватися (про поїздці); робити пересадку; застудитися.

3) Answer the following question:
What do the Englishmen know about Fortune Telling? Write 5-7 sentences on the topic.

4) Put the words in the correct order:

5) Complete the sentence: Public transportation services in Europe suffer from ...

6) Make up а dialogue:
A: ...
B: Show me something in blue.
A: ...
B: Yes, I do. How muсh is it?

7) Choose the 3 best answers to fill the gap in each sentence:
Illness can be stopped before it happens by means of ... (aftercare, healthy living, preventive medicine, vaccines, therapy)

8) Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
I'd turn left along the Embankment and carry on as far as Blackfriars Bridge.

9) Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
When you keep money for future you ... (1) it; when you return money that you have borrowed you ... (2). (Pay it back or save)

10) Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: гора народила мишу

Зав. кафедрою

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Екзаменаційний квиток по предмету


Білет № 3

11) Translate from English into Russian:
She's so ill-mannered. Last time she came here she left without saying a word. And apart from that she tells such lies alout us!

12) Translate from Russian into English:
Не хотіли б ви приєднатися до нашого барбекю? Ми збираємося за місто на вихідні.

13) Answer the following question:
Are all pubs privately owned?

14) Put the words in the correct order:

15) Complete the sentence: The receptionist asks you ... (to show him your personal belongings; to fill in a form).

16) Make up а dialogue:
A: ...
B: The next train to York is at 11.35. Platform 1.
A: ...
B: Yes, change at London.

17) Write a menu: (in 5 sentences) for:
A festive dinner.

18) Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
A giant five-storeys high, th IMAX screen is Britain's largest, showing the world'a largest film format.

19) Fill in the missing words, put them in the right places in the sentence:
He pays for all his meals and hotels on the firm's ... (1); he has a ... (2) at Harrods so that he can buy what he wants even if he doesn't have any cash.

20) Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: не все котові масниця, буде й великий піст

Зав. кафедрою

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Екзаменаційний квиток по предмету


Білет № 4

21) Translate from English into Russian:
His father said again that everything they had was for their own use; and they didn't carry anything for sale, that was liable to duty.

22) Translate from Russian into English:
У залі очікування їх зустрів Тед.

23) Answer the following question:
What do you know about Soccer? Write 5-7 sentences on the topic.

24) Put the words in the correct order:
game/Manchester United/what/yesterday 's/Liverpool/was/between/and/score/the/of /?

25) Complete the sentence: During the Second World War the BBC became identified with ...

26) Make up а dialogue:
A: ...
B: I advise you not to come by car.
A: ...
B: You can use the train. It won't take you much time.

27) Choose the best answer:
In our latest brochure we are sure you'll find the widest ... of holidays on the market. (Resort, range, luxury)

28) Ask 3 questions to the sentence.
The landlords of the pubs expect their customers to buy something, but not necessarily an alcohol drink.

29) Find One word in the list which seems to be the odd one out and which is not connected with education: essay, article, composition, thesis

30) Give the English equivalent to the proverb or saying: вовків боятися - в ліс не ходити

Зав. кафедрою

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Екзаменаційний квиток по предмету


Білет № 5

31) Translate from English into Russian:
In the declaration form travellers are to indicate the kind of valuables and the amount of currency they are bringing into the country.

32) Translate from Russian into English:
Порошок; мати головний біль; дотримуватися постільного режиму; це можна прати в машині? це занадто дорого; салон; ілюмінатор.

33) Answer the following question:
What do you know about Wimbledon, Derby and Wembley? Write 5-7 sentences on the topic.

34) Put the words in the correct order:

35) Complete the sentence: Oh dear, the iron was too hot. Look, I've ... (Scorched, sorbed) your blouse. Do you think anyone will notice?

36) Make up а dialogue:
A: What is there for dinner? I'm hungry.


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