Збірник екзаменаційних білетів з англійської мови » Українські реферати
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Українські реферати та твори » Языковедение » Збірник екзаменаційних білетів з англійської мови

Реферат Збірник екзаменаційних білетів з англійської мови

Категория: Языковедение

Екзаменаційний квиток по предмету


Білет № 1 ​​

Translate from English: A contract implied in law is one in which an obligation is imposed upon a person, irrespective or even in violation of his intention to enter into a contract.

Translate from Russian: Для службовців їх трудовий колектив є основним джерелом соціального взаємодії. Комунікація, яка має місце всередині колективу, забезпечує вихід, вираз емоцій і задоволення соціальних потреб.

Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
Profit and loss.
B) Купувати або продавати товари від свого власного імені.

Answer the question: What is the role of marketing research in business? Does it contribute to developing business or not?

Use the right form (s) of the verb (s) in brackets: The manager ... (to work) at the report for two hours when the employees of the firm came.

Insert article (s) where necessary: ​​ Do you know that ... sun is, in round numbers, 92.000.000 miles aways from ... Earth.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: ​​ Let's have a look ... the diary, what are the engagements ... today.

Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: In all countries consumers always compete against producers and traders.

Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Last year the competitive company extended the production of video-players.

Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.

Зав. кафедрою


Екзаменаційний квиток по предмету


Білет № 2

Translate from English: A contract may be binding upon one party to the contract and not upon the other. Written contracts are mot always more binding than oral contracts.

Translate from Russian: Купівельна здатність - Це те, що відділяє випадкові спостерігачів від серйозних клієнтів. Будь ринок потребує в достатньому кількості останніх, щоб гарантувати виробництво товарів.

Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
A system of taxation.
B) Контракти, стосуються землі: заставні.

Answer the question: What kind of society is Russia building now, in your opinion?

Use the right form (s) of the verb (s) in brackets: By December of next year the students of the University ... (to learn) English for three years.

Insert article (s) where necessary: ​​ In Russia the legislative power is exercised by ... Federal Assembly consisting of two Chambers: ... Council of Federation and ... State Duma.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: ​​ I didn't spend a single penny ... building a new country cottage; it was built ... the expense of my father's money.

Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Economic theory helps is understand how the world works.

Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Specialists are now classifying insurance by major categories: life, health and property-liability.

Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.

Зав. кафедрою


Екзаменаційний квиток по предмету


Білет № 3

Translate from English: A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties regarding a specified act or thing.

Translate from Russian: Товарна стратегія включає в себе рішення щодо видів, ярликів, торгових марок, упаковки, сертифікатів, гарантій, розробки нового товару і циклу життя товару.

Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To borrow money and to lend money.
B) Договори (Контракти), мають і не мають позовну силу.

Answer the question: Who owns the factors of production in capitalism?

Use the right form (s) of the verb (s) in brackets: Terrestrial civilization ... (Not to survive) if the way of thinking doesn't change.

Insert article (s) where necessary: ​​ ... Great lakes on the border with ... Canada are the largest and the deepest in ... USA.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: ​​ Commincation is ... great importance ... organizational structure.

Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: New legislation in Britain usually starts in the House of Lords.

Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: My friend had mortgaged all his property to get the required amount of money.

Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.

Зав. кафедрою


Екзаменаційний квиток по предмету


Білет № 4

Translate from English: All contracts which are illegal or contrary to public policy are void. At common law they are contracts to commit crimes or civil wrongs, contracts directed against the welfare of friendly states, contracts involving unmorality, contracts tending to promote corruption in public life and some others.

Translate from Russian: Існують два основних розділу економічної теорії: мікроекономіка і макроекономіка. Мікроекономіка досліджує рішення, які приймають окремі підприємства і споживачі, а макроекономіка має справу з функціонуванням економічного комплексу всієї країни.

Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To form a partnership.
B) Збір, накопичення, зіставлення і аналіз інформації про ринок.

Answer the question: Insurance is a major social institution which is essential to the functioning of any economy. Why do they call it so?

Use the right form (s) of the verb (s) in brackets: The secretary ... (to type) a business letter for 30 minutes already.

Insert article (s) where necessary: ​​ The USA is a presidential republic, the President of the country must be ... natural citizen and ... civilian.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: ​​ The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation consists ... two chambers: the Counsil of Federation and the State Duma. Each of them is headed ... the speaker.

Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Barristers defend or prosecute in the higher courts.

Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: A total market must satisfy smaller, more homogeneous target markers.

Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.

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