1. Розроблювальний текст
In the early years of Soviet power a new type of theatrewas born in the country: the children's theatre. At present over twenty millionschool-children attend performances at children's theatres annually.
The theatres play an important role in the ideological andaesthetic education of children. Their productions touch upon the most burningproblems of today; they present a truthful and realistic picture of the life inmodern times, they stage plays about the heroic past, shaping the child'saesthetic tastes, establishing norms of communist morality and a high spirit ofpatriotism and internationalism.
The theatres are most influential in helping the schools toinstill in the pupils an interest in and appreciation of literature's classicalheritage. The theatres have a definite tradition in staging classical plays.There are special means of helping the school in the study of these plays afterthe children have attended a performance Each theatre has its own thematicplan. Thus the Saratov Children's Theatre builds its classical repertoireaccording to a main theme: young people of times now past. Its classicalrepertoire includes The Insulted and Humiliated by Dostoevsky, AProfitable Position by Ostrovsky, Three Sisters by Chekhov andShakespeare's Hamlet. The Moscow Central Children's Theatre's repertoireincludes Dead Souls by Gogol, Boris Godunov by Pushkin and astage version of Dickens ' Oliver Twist.
Younger children prefer puppet shows. Here they areintroduced to the treasures of folk and fairy tales of the peoples of theSoviet Union and the world. The State Puppet Theatre is actually an artisticand methodological centre for all of the country's puppet theatres.
The work of the children's theatres is closely linked tothe schools. Every theatre has an educational section staffed by pedagogues.They take part in organizing school theatricals, drama clubs and specialtheatrical concerts; in a word, they help to bring the theatres directly to theschool.
1) Whatrole does the children's theatre play in the ideological education of children?
The theatres play an important role in the ideological andaesthetic education of children. Their productions touch upon the most burningproblems of today; they present a truthful and realistic picture of the life inmodern times, they stage plays about the heroic past, shaping the child'saesthetic tastes, establishing norms of communist morality and a high spirit ofpatriotism and internationalism.
2) Howdo theatres help the schools to instill in children an interest inliterature's classical heritage?
The theatres are most influential in helping the schools toinstill in the pupils an interest in and appreciation of literature's classicalheritage. The theatres have a definite tradition in staging classical plays.
3) Whyis the State Puppet Theatre an artistic and methodological centre for all otherpuppet theatres?
The State Puppet Theatre is actually an artistic andmethodological centre for all of the country's puppet theatres, because youngerchildren prefer puppet shows, where they are introduced to the treasures offolk and fairy tales of the peoples of the Soviet Union and the world.
4) Inwhat way is the work of the children's theatres linked to the schools?
The work of the children's theatres is closely linked tothe schools. Every theatre has an educational section staffed by pedagogues.
2. Контрольні питання
1.Прочитати текст і письмово відповісти по-англійськи на питання, наступні затекстом.
2.Виписати з тексту іменники в однині і поставити їх підмножині.
Soviet - Soviets
power - powers
type - types
theatre - theatres
country - countries
role - roles
education - educations
picture - pictures
life - lives
past - pasts
morality - moralities
spirit - spirits
patriotism - patriotisms
internationalism - internationalism
appreciation - appreciations
heritage - heritages
tradition - traditions
school - schools
study - studies
performance - performances
plan - plans
repertoire - repertoires
theme - themes
repertoire - repertoires
version - versions
world - worlds
centre - centre
work - works
section - section
part - parts
drama - dramas
word - words
3.Виписати з тіста прийменникові конструкції з прийменником of й перевести їх наросійську мову. Замінити іменники з прийменником of іменниками вприсвійному відмінку
early years of Soviet power - ранні роки Радянської влади
a new type of theatre - новий тип театру
aesthetic education of children - естетичну освіту дітей
problems of today -проблеми сьогоднішнього дня
appreciation of literature's classical heritage - оцінку класичної спадщини
special means of helping the school - спеціальні засоби допомоги школі
the study of these plays - вивчення цих п'єс
young peopleof times now past - молодь різних часів повинна знати минуле
a stage version of Dickens ' Oliver Twist - сценарна постановка Олівер Твіст Діккенса
the treasures of folk and fairy tales of the peoples - скарби народів і казок народів
methodological centre for all of the country's puppettheatres - методологічним центром театрів маріонеток
the work of the children's theatres - робота дитячих театрів
4.Виписати з тексту прикметники і прислівники, перевести їх на російську мову іутворити ступені порівняння
early - earlier - the earliest - ранній
new - newer - the newest - новий
important - more important - the most important - важливий
ideological - more ideological - the most ideological - ідеологічний
aesthetic - more aesthetic - the most aesthetic - естетичний
truthful - more truthful - the most truthful - правдивий
realistic - more realistic - the most realistic - реалістичний
heroic - more heroic - the most heroic - героїчний
high - higher - the highest - високий
influential - more influential - the most influential
classical - more classical - the most classical
special - more special - the most special
thematic - more thematic - the most thematic
young - younger - the youngest
artistic - more artistic - the most artistic
methodological - more methodological - the mostmethodological
educational - more educational - the most educational
theatrical - more theatrical - the most theatrical
5.Знайти в тексті і перекласти на російську мову пропозиції, в яких вживаютьсязайменники. Вказати, до якої групи вони належать
Their productions touch upon the most burning problems oftoday; they present a truthful and realistic picture of the life in moderntimes, they stage plays about the heroic past, shaping the child's aesthetictastes, establishing norms of communist morality and a high spirit ofpatriotism and internationalism.
Їхпредставлення стосуються найбільш гострих проблем сьогодення; вони показуютьправдиву і реалістичну картину життя в сучасний час, вони ставлять сценкипро героїчне минуле, формуючи естетичні смаки дитини, встановлюючи нормикомуністичної етики і високого духу патріотизму та межнаціоналізма.
Their - присвійний
They - приватне
Each theatre has its own thematic plan.
Кожентеатр має власний тематичний план.
Its - присвійний
They take part...