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Реферат Creation of control system by a personnel how to begin with a zero


Creationof control system by a personnel: how to begin with a zero



1. Managers are from apersonnel

2. Skilled strategy


3. Basic processes whichmust exist in a company, from the point of view of management human capitals



PERSONNEL is apersonnel, establishments, enterprises or part of this composition, being agroup of for professional or to another signs.

PERSONNEL- (Personnel) - in includes itself all partners and the professional state ofemployees, brought over to public accountant activity of firm.

PERSONNEL OFORGANIZATIONS-aggregate of physical persons, being with organization as legalentity in relations, by the managed contract of найму, and possessing certain by high-quality descriptions(Capabilities, motivation, business and personality internalss), allowing toprovide achievement of aims.

Subsystems ofmanagement a personnel:

1) Terms of labour: implementation of terms ofpsychology, ergonomics and technical aesthetics of labor; labor and technicianof safety protection; guard of environment.

2) Labor relations: analysis and adjusting of group andpersonal mutual relations; relations of guidance; management conflictsituations; social psychological diagnostics; co-operating of leaders is withtrade unions.

3) Registrations and account of shots: registration andaccount of acceptance, liberation and translation; informative providing;professional orientation; providing of employment.

4) Marketing, prognostication and planning of personnel:development of strategy of management a personnel; market of labor analysis;prognostication of necessity; connection is with outsourcing of providing;estimation of personnel

5) Development of labor potential: techno-economicsproviding; in-plant training; work is with skilled reserve; planning ofbusiness career; adaptation of new workers

6) Stimulation of labor: setting of norms and trifling oflabor; development of the system of payment and moral encouragement of labor;application of forms of participating is in an income and capital; managementlabor motivation

7) Grant of legal services: decision of legal questions oflabor relations; legal adjusting of economic activity; a concordance ofprescriptive documents is from a management a personnel

8) Creations of necessary social infrastructure:organization of public food consumption; management service; providing of theproper terms of health protection and rest and others like that.

9) Choices and application of organizational structuresof management: analysis of existing and planning of most suitable for thisenterprise of organizational structure management; development of manningtable.

10) Most success of mГ©nage (to activity) is arrivedat then, when all functional subsystems of management a personnel are concertedin time and space and used simultaneously.

Practicalapplication of proper control system by a personnel must lean against modernconception and corresponding strategy of management. One of importantimplementation of chosen control system by a personnel phases there ispractical realization of set of necessary to the firm categories of workers.

1. Managersare from a personnel

However, everycompany has specific requirements to such resource, as a personnel, and onlyanswering these requirements, workers can provide success of company. What itdepends "on what does form these requirements? Such question appearsautomatically. Answers enormous amount: from position of company at the market,from her stage of development, from strategy of activity, from a corporatespirit and created corporate culture and others like that. But all thesefactors prove that presently for the successful functioning of company veryimportant is competent work with a personnel. Want to mark that exactly workwith a personnel, but not only his selection, as yet until now counts mostleaders and top-managers.

Largetransnational companies already a long ago realized ponder ability of thesearguments and in each there is a department which works with a personnel suchcompany. Here already a long ago there are the individually worked out andprescribed processes which touch work of personnel and with a personnel.Managers from a personnel only control them correct implementation. But thereare considerably less companies, in which the questions of personnel decidechaotically enough and often even there is not an individual which them wouldcoordinate. What to do in such situation? Most leaders realize well, that workwith a personnel can considerably increase the incomes of their firm, that iswhy begin to search a man which would help to work out these problems, or atpresence of money at once create departments from a personnel. When does aleader make decision to create a department from a personnel or even to enterin the state the companies of one manager from a personnel, a question appears:"And from what to begin"? In my opinion, it costs to begin with thesearch of manager or, if it is a department, then director from a personnel.

Manager from apersonnel as nobody other must divide values ​​and visions of company. Even ifthese things are not prescribed and not witnessed documentarily, in everycompany however there are the unwritten values ​​and strategies of development.That more workers divide them and defend, then more concerted and effectivewill be work of company. And as a future personnel will come in a companythrough a manager from a personnel, it is important, that he realized positionof company clearly. In fact we want it or not a gold rule always operates: weaccept to itself to work of those people which divide our perception of theworld up to a point. And even trying to be maximally objective, this effect itis difficult to avoid.

Activity isinalienable part of work of manager, he must constantly be in the course ofmatters of company and design the activity depending on changes in the processof her development and forming of new necessities.

It is a manwhich knows enormous confidential information content, that is why a leadermust trust a manager which works with a personnel.

There isanother nuance: taking a manager from a personnel, a company can choose twoways: at first, to take a young perspective worker with minimum experience, butsuch man needs great while for adaptation, additional studies and on the firstpores clear pointing from the side of guidance. Secondly, it is possible totake a skilled specialist what will give ideas to guidance, to create andrealize skilled strategies. A leader in such case will examine and assertalready the prepared charts of work with a personnel which considerably willdecrease him sentinel expenses, but such specialist has a considerably higherprice at the market of labour.

I led as anexample now, mainly, personality descriptions of desirable candidate. Although,clear business, it costs to take into account other socialdemographic factors:age, sex, experience, special skills. But these criteria every leaderdetermines on the discretion.

It costs topay attention to also that, how correctly to enter position of manager from apersonnel in a company. I mean not legal party businesses, but human factor, infact exactly he from practical experience creates most misunderstanding. Ifcompany the protracted period did exist without a man which it is centralizeddecided skilled questions, and suddenly unexpectedly for workers a managerappears from a personnel, in all a question appears: "why"? If intime not to give correct information, then all without an exception workerswill pull out supposition independently, that exactly planned guidance. In thecorridors conversations, scuttle-butts and rumours, will spread. ...

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