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Українські реферати та твори » Иностранный язык » "Silver age" in Russian art

Реферат "Silver age" in Russian art

"Silver age" in Russian art

New style in Russian art has arisen in 80th of XIX century underthe big influence of the French impressionism. Its blossoming is noted by aboundary XIX and ХХ centuries.

Within several decades after the decline (already by the end of10th ХХ centuries themodernist style in Russian art with which the Silver age associates, concedesthe predominating role to new directions) Silver age art was perceived as adecadence and lack of taste.

But to vary by the end of the second millennium of an estimationbegan more close. The matter is that exists two types of blossoming ofspiritual culture. For the first powerful innovations and great achievementsare characteristic. Vivid examples to that is Greek classics V-IV centuries BCand especially European Renaissance.

In the middle of XIX century representatives of romanticism dreamtof creation of uniform style which could surround the person with beauty and bythat to transform a life. Art means to change the world - such problem putbefore creators fine Rihard Wagner and прерафаеліти. And already in the end of XIX century Oscar Auld asserted, thatВ«More likely the life imitates art, rather than life artВ». There was an obviousstaging of behavior and a life, game began to define not only character of artculture, but also style of a life of its founders.

The silver age in Russian culture is not only painting andarchitecture of a modernist style, not only the symbolist theatre which hasembodied idea of ​​synthesis of arts when over performance statement togetherwith directors and actors artists and composers worked, it and the symbolismliterature, and especially poetry which has entered into history of the worldliterature under the name "Silver age poetry». It is style of an epoch, a wayof life.

To make of the life a poem - a most important task which was putbefore themselves by heroes of the Silver age. So, symbolists, first of all,did not wish to separate the writer from the person, the literary biographyfrom the personal. Symbolism did not wish to be only a literary current, buttore to become vitally creative method. It was a number of attempts to findirreproachably true alloy of a life and creativity, some kind of aphilosophical stone of art.

Were in this aspiration and shady sides. Unduly pretentious speechand the gesticulation, a shocking suit, drugs, spirits - on the verge ofcenturies all it carried signs обраності and generated original snobbery.

The Literary and art bohemia sharply opposing to weight, searchednovelty, singularity, a sharpness of experiences. The magic, spiritism andtheosophy involved symbolists not only as a picturesque material for works ofart, but also as real ways of expansion of own spiritual horizons.

In Russia there was a new generation of literary and artintelligence; it considerably differed from generation of В«six-foremenВ» notonly creative interests; external distinctions were striking also.

So, the uniform style which arisen in Russia and has become by asynonym of concept the Silver age, was really universal for - let for shortterm - it has captured not only all spheres of creativity, but also directlylife of people of an epoch В«fin de siГЁcleВ». Any big style is such.

The aesthetics of the Silver age of Russian culture in aggregatehas summed most different, often opposite directions, movements, brightauthor's finds up to many searches of classical aesthetic thought, especiallyin revealing of metaphysical essence aesthetic and artistry of art. Along withit, many thinkers, writers, artists, theorists of art of that time inatmosphere of crisis of Culture well felt with them and arts more or have lessunanimously come to conclusion about necessity of essential expansion of sphereof aesthetic experience for the frameworks limiting it in a classicalaesthetics. Have realized, that art in it новоєвропейської understanding independent В«graceful artВ» finishes the life, andthe artist should leave for its limits during a real life and there activelywork under aesthetic laws over its transformation. Today it is obvious, thatthe Silver age aesthetics is an aesthetics of great Utopias, an aestheticism,courageous and radical experiments and serious opening. Aesthetic experienceand aesthetic theories of that time stand at sources of many modern radicalprocesses in sphere of art practice and mark a stage of formation ofneoclassical and aesthetics which actively leave on explicit level in thebeginning of a new millennium.

The statement on a boundary of centuries of a priority of the artforms only indirectly reflecting a reality, was expressed in polarization ofart forces in the beginning of XX century: K. Malevich (suprematism), V. Kandinsky(Abstractionism), Russian impressionists (K. Korovin, I. Grabar, V. Serov).There is a creative association В«the art WorldВ» (its founders A. Benua and S. Dyagilev).Refusal of realism and утилітаризму XIX century, declaration of a way of the В«pure artВ» released fromfetters of В«public serviceВ» leave traces on painting. Ideals of service andharmony are expressed to beauty in creativity of members of association (K. Somova,B. Kustodieva, M. Dobuzhinskogo, L. Baksta, N. Reriha, V. Serova, M. Nesterov,I. Levitan). Merits of В«the art WorldВ» were showed also in creation of the highlyartistic book drawing by it, a print of new criticism, wide publishing andexhibition activity.

Among Valentine Serov was closest to realistic tradition. Perhaps,it was most considerable of Russian portraitists of the Silver age. He createdportraits-pictures where the character is presented in active interaction withthe vital environment. And it the basic founder of a picturesque aesthetics.

To this principle there corresponds also one of its best works oflast period - a portrait of princess Olga Konstantinovny Orlovoj. Here all isconstructed on symmetry and the contrasts resulted, the truth, in certainharmony. So, the head and the case портретируемой are transferred is very volume, and feet are given by asilhouette, almost flat. The triangle in which the figure is entered, leansagainst a sharp corner; frames of pictures are aggressively aimed at a modelhead. However the quiet, absolutely confident look, framed with a huge hat, asthough stops sharp movements of subjects of a rich interior. Apparently, Сєров ironically enoughconcerned to портретируемой.

Nikolay Roerich was not only the artist, but also the historian.Its interest to archeology is known also. It has found reflex ion in its art.The artist the Slavic pagan antiquity and early Christianity especiallyinterested. The inner world of people of the remote past, and their ability asif to be dissolved in the nature world is close to Roerich. Defining role inthe image is played by plan metric lines and local color stains.

Lion more than others, has come nearer to the European variant ofa modernist style. The flexible contour, the generalized treatment of the form,of color and plainness of the image testify to influence on such westernartists, as Edward Munch and others.

Konstantin Somov - one of the brightest artists of the Petersburgassociation В«the art WorldВ». It was the master of refined color and the refineddrawing.

The picture В«the Harlequin and the ladyВ» is executed by the artistin several variants. In works of 1910th of Catfishes quite often repeats thesame composition methods and light effects. It is keen on art of XVIII century -В«A gallant centuryВ». Characters of the Italian comedy of masks often appear inits pictures. Here again: a tree-side scene in the foreground, nearby thefigures of protagonists shined with fireworks, then a gleam in depth wheresmall silhouettes ряджених gentlemen and ladies fuss. Graceful theatre of art for art.

In all pictures of Borisov-Musatov finds expression ...

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