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Українські реферати та твори » Иностранный язык » Accommodation in St.Petersburg

Реферат Accommodation in St.Petersburg

South Urel State University

В«Accommodationin St.Petersburg В»

Ivanishina. A.N

Group S-251





Ivanova R.P.Accommodations in Saint Petersburg. Chelyabinsk. -SUSU. -2007. p. -48.

The firstpart of my course paper is about tourism in St.Petersburg. The second part isabout accommodations in St.Petersburg.

Bibl. - 6calls.





2.1 The Grand HotelEmerald

2.2Grand Hotel Europe пЂЄ пЂЄ пЂЄ пЂЄ пЂЄ

2.3 The Astoria Hotel

2.4 Radisson SAS RoyalHotel пЂЄ пЂЄ пЂЄ пЂЄ пЂЄ

2.5 Corinthia NevskijPalace Hotel

2.6 AngleterreHotel

2.7 Arbat-Nord Hotel

2.8 The Deson-Ladoga Hotel

2.9Saint-Petersburg Hotel пЂЄ пЂЄ пЂЄ

2.10 Hotel Moscow

2.11 Nautilus Inn



Petersburg was founded byPeter the Great, in 1703, but many years before the bank of the Neva Riverattracted the Swedes and Slaves. In 1240, on the place which in nova days is apart of town, the Swedish crusaders were defeated by Prince AlexanderJaroslavitch. From that battle the Prince has got the title Alexander Nevskiy.Later on he was canonized by the Orthodoxy church and became a Sky patron ofthe town. The defeat in 1240 did not stop Swedes and close to the place wherethe Ohtensky bridge is located in nova days, they have built up the fortressLandscrona. At the same year the Novgorodians had occupied and destroyed thisfortress. On the same place, in 1611 the Swedes have founded the fortress againwhich got the new name Nienschanz (New fortress). Under protection of thefortress walls the new town Nien has grown up, where lived Swedes, Germans andDutch craftsmen and merchants. On the other side of the river Neva was Russianvillage Spasskoe. Peter the First has occupied Nienschanz and founded on theHare's island, in delta of the Neva river, the fortress and named itsSankt-Petersburch. Later this name was given to the town, and the fortress hasgot new name "Peter and Paul". Affirmed on those lands, Peter theFirst commenced to build up the town intensively and transferred his Capital tothere. Under tsar Peter odder many craftsmen have been delivered to St.Peterburch from whole Russia

The new stage in St.Petersburg's history came during the ruling time of Catherine the Great. IvanStarov, Kokorinov, Vallen de lamothe, Antonio Rinaldi, Charles Kameron, JacomoQuarenghi, Yuri Felten and other architects worked in that time. The RussianAcademy of science and Academy of art has blossomed in that time. The court ofCatherine invited best musicians from Italy, Spain and Germany. The Catherine'scourt composer was world famous Spanish composer Martin de Solera and conductorof Court's Vocal Capella - Maksim Beresovskiy got the title of Memeber ofBologne Philharmonic's Academy. The Catherine the Great, German by origin couldunderstand the interests of Russia. Some innovations improve the economy andbroad-mind (width interest) of Catherine the Great made St. Petersburg one ofthe Cultural Capital of the Europe. Catherine corresponded with Frenchencyclopedia writers and Alexander Humbold. Under her invitation St. Petersburghas visited philosopher Didro and Moris Etjen Falcone made the Bronze horsemanof the Peter the First. She not only managed economy and politic but also wrotestories, memoirs and even libretto of the opera. Under her odder JacomoKvarengi has built a special Hermitage's theater.

The lastyears ruled by Nikolay I coincide with a period of changes the architecturalstyle from classicism to eclecticism. The last accord of the classicism stylein architecture was Alexander Column and St. Isaac's cathedral (architectMonpherran), cathedrals and triumph arc of architect Stasov. The reforms ofAlexander II which gave the freedom to the land less peasants have beenpreconditions of the economical growth of Russia. The new banks and stockexchanges have been opened in that time and new railway stations, mills and factoriesbuild. But in spite of democratic reforms many people not satisfied and in thattime some terrorists organizations appeared. The have began a real hunting ofAlexander II. Finally after explosions in Winter Palace and on the streets ofPetersburg, Emperor Alexander II being fatally wounded by Grinevitski's bombattack on the promenade of Ekaterininsky canal. The unusual cathedral "The Savor on blood "has been built under project of archimandrite Ignatyand architect Parland on the place of bomb attack. The end of XIX and beginningof XX centuries was called as "Silver century". During that time theall kind of art as architecture, painting, poetry, music, theater had got a newpowerful growth. The blocks of building in new Modern style (in Europe calledJugend style or Ars Nuovo) appeared in the City. You can see different modernstyles (Austrian, Scandinavian and etc.) One of the interesting building ofthis style is house of architect F. Lidval, Kamenoostrovsky avenue 1/3, thehotel "Astoria" the house of Sweden church on the MalayaKonyushennaya street. The other examples of this style are the building ofVitebsky Railway station (architect Minash and Brzhosovsky) the house ofEliseevsky shop (architect Baranovsky), The house of books (architect Syusor),Matilda Kshesinskaya Palace built by architect von Gogen, the houses built byarchitects Bubyr, Vasiliev and others. In the beginning of 1910 the neoclassicism replaced the eclectica style but this style did not get growth.After revolution, in 1917 and the civil war the style of construction of thecity ​​has changed. Not so many masterpieces left from1917, but some interestingbuilding like The Kirov's Cultural Palace and The Lensoveta Cultural Palace,the Ensemble of Komsomol Square can be a symbols of the Soviet time. During1970th some interesting blocks have been built in the area of ​​river Smolenka,in Kirovsky district of the city. In the nowadays the appearance of the citychanges very quick and visitors can see that in 3-4

The aim of course paper is tо learn to work with Englishliterature on specialty and analyze the special literature.

The object of this course paper is the tourism inSt.Petersburg.

The subject of course paper is the accommodations inSt.Petersburg.

The problems are:

В·todescribe the tourism in St.Petersburg

В·tоconsider the accommodations in St.Petersburg

So, in this course paper there are some informations abouttourism in St.Petersburg and analyze accommodations in St.Petersburg.


Saint-Petersburg is the Northern capital of Russia, itscultural, historical and architectural center! Saint-Petersburg was named inhonor of patron saint of Peter The Great, who founded the city more than 300years ago and for more than 200 years (till 1917) it was Russian capital. Peterthe Great modeled the city after European capitals and it has been referred asRussia's "Window into Europe" for a long time.

St.Petersburg is divided into numerous islands by rivers andcanals and is often called as the "Northern Venice". Saint-Petersburgtogether with its palaces, museums, theatres, distant suburbs and their parksis renowned piece of the world's cultural heritage.

To organize your travel to Saint-Petersburg you can obtainhere hotel and homestay accommodation, travel packages, guided tours and otherSt. Petersburg travel services.

General information:

В· THE CITY OVERVIEW : Saint-Petersburg (known asPetrograd in 1914-1924 and as Leningrad in 1924-1991), with 4,7 millioninhabitants is the northernmost major city of the world. Here you will findinfor...

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