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Українські реферати та твори » Иностранный язык » Adjective, it's types and categories

Реферат Adjective, it's types and categories



1. Definitionof the term adjectives

2. How do adjectives make speech more expressive?

3.Grammaticaloverview of english adjectives

4.Degrees of comparison of adjectives




The theme of my course paper sounds as following: В«Adjective,its types and categories В». Before beginning of investigation in our theme, Iwould like to say some words dealt with the theme of my course paper.

Without referring to the traditional definition of adjectivesyou can find in any dictionary, Let's make our way into talking about thestandard role of adjectives in language. In English the adjective ismultifunctional. It is used essentially to describe an object but, in general,it is meant to enrich and clarify ideas and lead the interlocutors tocommunicate eloquently.

Standing on such ground, I would like to point out tasks andaims of my work

1. The first task of my work is to give definition to term В«adjectiveВ».

2. The second task is to describe the role of adjectives inour speech.

3. The last task of my work is to characterize adjectivesfrom grammatical point of view.

In our opinion the practical significance of our work is hardto be overvalued. This work reflects modern trends in linguistics and we hopeit would serve as a good manual for those who wants to master modern Englishlanguage. Also this work can be used by teachers of English language forteaching English grammar.

The present work might find a good way of implying in thefollowing spheres:

1. In High Schools and scientific circles oflinguistic kind it can be successfully used by teachers and philologists asmodern material for writing research works dealing with English adjectives.

2. It can be used by teachers of schools, lyceums andcolleges by teachers of English as a practical manual for teaching Englishgrammar.

3. It can be useful for everyone who wants to enlarge his/herknowledge in English.

After having proved the actuality of our work, I would liketo describe the composition of it:

My work consists of four parts: introduction, the main part,conclusion and bibliography. Within the introduction part we gave the briefdescription of our course paper. The main part of the work includes severalitems. There we discussed such problems as main features of English adjectives,described their role in English language, and gave grammatical characteristicsof them. In the conclusion to our work we tried to draw some results from thescientific investigations made within the present course paper. In bibliographypart we mentioned some sources which were used while compiling the presentwork. It includes linguistic books and articles dealing with the theme, anumber of used dictionaries and encyclopedias and also some internet sources.

1.Definition of the Term Adjectives

Anadjective is a word which acts to modify a noun in a sentence. While adjectivesplay a large role in many languages ​​- such as English - many other languageshave no adjectives at all. In English the set of adjectives is fairly wellunderstood, though some people include other parts of speech - such as articleslike the - in the class of adjectives.

Thereare two main roles an adjective may take in a sentence, and with a fewexceptions each adjective is able to take either role just as easily. The firstrole is to act as a predicative adjective, in which the adjective modifies apreceding noun as a predicate, linked by a verb. An example of a predicativeadjective can be found in the sentence: A zebra is striped. in which theadjective striped is linked the subject of the sentence, zebra, by use of thecopula verb to be in the is form.

Thesecond role an adjective may take is as an attributive adjective, in which itmodifies a noun by being linked directly to the noun as part of the nounphrase. An example of an attributive adjective may be seen in the sentence:'The striped zebra pranced.' In which the adjective striped is directlyconnected to the subject of the sentence, zebra. In English, most attributiveadjectives precede the noun they are going to modify, while in many Romancelanguages ​​the adjective comes after the noun. So while in English we might say'The beautiful woman.' In French we would say 'Le femme jolie.' Which may beliterally translated as 'The woman beautiful.'

Whilemost adjectives in English are able to be used just as easily either in anattributive or a predicative sense, there are some which are restricted to onerole or the other. For example, the adjective sole can be used grammaticallyonly as an attributive adjective, as can be seen in the sentence: This is thesole survivor. On the other hand, trying to use the adjective sole in thepredicative role would result in the ungrammatical sentence: This survivor issole. Other English adjectives, such as alone, may be used only as a predicativeadjective, while attempts to use them attributively result in ungrammaticalsentences.

Adjectivesmay be modified by adverbs or adverbial clauses, but not by other adjectives.Many adjectives, however, can easily translate into corresponding adverbssimply by adding the ending to them. This can be seen in pairs such asquick/quickly and happy/happily.

InEnglish and many other languages, adjectives also have a correct and incorrectorder, depending on the type of adjectives used. Most native speakers learnthis order instinctively, and related mistakes are one of the most obvioussigns of a non-native speaker. For example, using the adjectives red, little,and two with the noun books, most native English speakers would intuitivelyorder the adjectives to form the sentence 'The two little red books.' Tonon-native speakers, however, it might seem just as intuitive to say 'The twored little books. 'or even' The red two little books. 'both of which areimmediately obvious as incorrect to a native English speaker.

Asmentioned earlier, not all languages ​​use adjectives; some use other parts ofspeech instead to fill this role. Many Native American languages, for example,use verbs to fill the role that adjectives play in English, so that rather than'The woman is short.' We are faced with something like 'The woman is shorting.'Languages ​​that use nouns as adjectives are often more comprehensible tospeakers of English, since our sentence formations can easily allow formetaphoric description using only nouns, with a verb perhaps to flavor it, suchas 'The sun was a blazing inferno.' instead of 'The sun was hot.' English alsouses abstract nouns, for example to turn 'An important statement.' into 'Astatement of import. '

2. How Do Adjectives Make Speech More Expressive?

Amessage void of adjectives is the least expressive one. Therefore adjectivesare somehow the backbone of any expression we want to make accurate and clearin encoding the message. Adjectives help us respect real and straightcommunication rules. So, do you В«adjectiveВ» your messages so well that peoplecan understand you well? [1]

Withoutthe use of adjectives, actually, we lose a lot; and we may be short inexpressing our emotions, opinions, and the impressions we have about a givensubject. We are going to see to what extent the use of adjectives (esp.adjectives of quality) is helpful in our interactive contact with the others?!See this example: Yesterday, I bought a car.

Thissentence seems stiff and dull. It may make you respond to it indifferentlybecause the speaker is giving a vague idea about the car he had bought. Hissentence doesn't really carry a complete well-spoken idea. What the speakerneeds to make his sentence expressive, attractive and pr...

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