2 варіант
1. Translate the text "Money and itsfunctions. "
Money is a commodity commonly accepted as amedium of economic exchange. The idea of ​​money as a universal equivalent isfamiliar to us since our childhood. Money circulates from person to person andcountry to country, thus facilitating trade, and it is the principal measure ofwealth. Money has four functions:
1) to serve as a medium of exchange, acommodity accepted in exchange for goods and services and for the discharge ofdebts or for the discharge of contracts;
2) to act as a unit of account, the unitthat makes the operation of the price system possible and provides the basisfor keeping accounts and calculating cost, profit, and loss;
3) to serve as a standard of deferredpayments, the unit in which deferred payments
4) to provide a store of wealth, aconvenient form in which to hold any income not immediately required for use.
Гроші - це товар, зазвичай сприймається як засібекономічного обміну. Ідея щодо грошей як універсального еквівалентазнайома нам, починаючи з нашого дитинства. Гроші циркулюють від людини до людиниі від країни до країни, таким чином, полегшуючи торгівлю, і це - основна мірабагатства. Гроші мають чотири функції:
1) служать засобом обміну; товаром, загально прийнятим дляобміну на товари і послуги і для сплати боргів або для оплати контрактів;
2) діють як одиниця рахунку, одиниця, яка робитьцінову систему можливої вЂ‹вЂ‹і забезпечує основу для ведення рахунків і розрахункувартості, прибутку, і збитків;
3) служать, стандартом відстрочених платежів; одиницею,яка зробила позики та майбутні угоди, що відбулися;
4) забезпечує запас матеріальних цінностей; зручна форма,для зберігання будь-якого доходу, в будь-який час необхідний для використання.
2. Відповісти на запитання.
1) What is meant by the term"Money"?
2) How many functions does money have?
3) What does money serve as?
4) What does money act as?
5) What does money make?
6) What does money provide?
7) What does money calculate?
8) What is the third function of money?
9) What is the fourth function of money?
1) Money it is the goods serving as meansof an economic exchange.
2) Money has four functions.
3) Money serves as a medium of exchange, acommodity accepted in exchange for goods and services and for the discharge ofdebts or for the discharge of contracts.
4) Money act as a unit of account, the unitthat makes the operation of the price system possible and provides the basisfor keeping accounts and calculating cost, profit, and loss.
5) Money make of the price system possible.
6) Money provides a basis for keepingaccounts.
7) Money calculates cost, profit, and loss.
8) Money serves as the standard of thedeferred payments.
9) Money provides a store of wealth, aconvenient form in which to hold any income not immediately required for use.
3. Agree or disagree with the followingstatements.
1) Money is a medium of communication.
2) The idea of ​​money as a universalequivalent is unfamiliar to us.
3) Money has five functions.
4) Money is used in exchange for goods andservices.
5) Money is used for the discharge ofdefendant.
6) Money is used for the discharge ofagreements.
7) Money acts as a trustee.
8) Money makes the operation of the pricesystem impossible.
9) Money ensures the basis for keepingaccounts.
10) Money counts cost, profit and loss.
11) Money is exercised as a standard ofdeferred payments.
12) Money serves as the unit in whichborrowings are made.
13) Money serves as the unit in whichfutures are fixed.
14) Money provides a store of materialvalues.
1) Yes, money is the environment ofcommunication in an economic exchange.
2) No, the Idea concerning money asuniversal equivalent is familiar to us.
3) No, money has four functions.
4) Yes, money is used in exchange for goodsand services.
5) Yes, money is used for the discharge dutiesof the defendant
6) Yes, money is used for the discharge ofagreements and of contracts.
7) No, money does not operate as thetrustee.
8) No, money makes action of price systempossible.
9) Yes, money provides a basis for bookkeeping.
10) Yes, money a basis of calculation cost,profit and losses.
11) Yes, money serves as the standard ofthe deferred payments.
12) Yes, money serves as the unit in whichborrowings are made.
13) Yes, money serves as the unit in whichfutures are fixed.
14) Yes, money provides a store of wealth.
4. Translate the following words, phrasesand statements from Russian into English.
Обмін; зручний; тримати; дохід; негайно; вимагати;необхідний; можливий; добре знайомий; економічний; звичайно; еквівалент;товар; засіб обміну; служити в якості; загальноприйнятий; товари; послуги;погашення боргу; розрахункова одиниця; цінова система; забезпечувати; вести рахунок;підраховувати; вартість; прибуток; збиток; відстрочений платіж; cсуда;угода на термін; зберігання матеріальних цінностей; вживання; сприяти;виконання договору.
Гроші - це металеві та/або паперові знаки,що є мірою вартості при купівлі-продажу і виконують роль загальногоеквівалента, тобто виражають вартість усіх інших товарів і обмінюються набудь-який з них. Гроші - це особливий товар, що виконує роль загальногоеквівалента.
Exchange; convenient; to hold; the income;immediately; to demand; necessary; possible (probable); well familiar; economic;ordinarily; an equivalent; the goods; means of an exchange; to serve; standard;the goods; services; repayment of the debt; settlement
Unit; price system; to provide; to keepcount; to count up; cost; profit; the loss; the deferred payment; cсуда; thetransaction for the term of; storage of material assets; the use; to promote;execution (performance) of the contract.
Money are metal and/or the paper signswhich are being a measure of cost at sale and purchase and carrying out a roleof a universal equivalent, that is expressing cost of all other goods andexchanged on any of them. Money is the special goods which are carrying out arole of a universal equivalent.
5. Complete the following statements.
1) Money is ... ...
2) The idea of ​​money as a universalequivalent is ...
3) Money has ... ...
4) Money serves as ...
5) Money is used in exchange for ...
6) Money is used for the discharge of ......
7) Money acts as ... ...
8) Money makes ...
9) Money provides ... ...
10) Money calculates ...
11) Money serves as a standard of ...
12) Money is the unit in which ... ...
13) Money provides a store of ... ...
14) Money is a convenient form in which ...
1) Money is a commodity commonly acceptedas a medium of economic exchange.
2) The idea of ​​money as a universalequivalent is familiar to us since our childhood.
3) Money has four functions.
4) Money serves as a medium of exchange.
5) Money is used in exchange for goods andservices.
6) Money is used for the discharge of debtsor for the discharge of contracts.
7) Money acts as a unit of account.
8) Money makes the operation of the pricesystem.
9) Money provides the basis for keepingaccounts.
10) Money calculates cost, profit, andloss.
11) Money serves as a standard of deferredpayments.
12) Money is the unit in which deferredpayments.
13) Money provides a store of wealth.
14) Money is a convenient form in which tohold any income not immediately required for u...