Euro-Atlantic integration and Ukrainian youth. Opinions and problems N.Kovalenko DonSUM A.Schelkova One of thedeterminant national foreign policy priorities is European and Euroatlanticintegration. Relationship between Ukraine and NATO was established in 1991,when Ukraine proclaimed sovereignty right after the fall of the USSR and joinedthe Council of Northenatlantic Collaboration, later renamed The Euro-... |
Theme of abstract: Examples of moderndeterminations of culture PLAN ENTRY 1. Reasoningof Roy of Dandrad 2. Reasoningof М.Segall 3. Reasoningof Robert Levin 4. Reasoningof Harry Triadic 5. Reasoningof Michael Koul 6. Reasoningof Gustavo Jagod 7. ReasoningR. Rohner 8. Reasoningof Ken Richardson 9. Reasoningof Denyse Jenkins 10. Reasoningof Jerome Barkow ... |
MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN GULISTAN STATE UNIVERSITY The English and Literature Department ______________'s qualification work on speciality5220100, English philology on the theme: "Expressive Means and StylisticDevices " Supervisor: ___________ Gulistan 2008 Contents I. Introduction 1.1. Ab... |
Environmentalproblems Environmentalproblems are of a great concern nowadays. More and more scientists warn aboutthe threat of a global ecological catastrophe as a result of man's economicactivity. Medics note with alarm the growing number of diseases caused by airand water pollution. Theecological situation is particularly unfavorable in large cities. In London,for example, the dust concentration (daily average) in air exceeds th... |
Міністерство Освіти і Науки України Таврійський ЕкологічнийІнститут Факультет іноземноїфілології Кафедра______________________ Спеціальність7.030502-В«Мова та літератураВ» Курсова робота Тема : Equivalentsof gerund are in Russian translation Виконавець: студентка 5курсу Старцева МаринаОлександрівна Науковий керівник: доцент Колір Л.Я. Сімферополь, 2... |
EnglishSpeaking Countries Englishspread all over the world. Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and NewZealand are English speaking countries. Why English is so extended language inthe world? Duringthe 17 th and 18 th centuries British navigators sailedacross the seas with the aim of extending Britain's power and prosperity (процвітання). They colonized new territoriesaround the world, taking their... |
TyumenState University ForeignLanguages ​​Department for Science EnricoFermi and his discovery Submittedby: E.Chaevskaya Supervisor:L.V. Skorokhodova SeniorLecture Tyumen,2007 Contens Chapter 1.Biography pp 2- 7 Physicsin Rome p 2 Nobel Prize & The Manhattan Project p 4 Post-War Workp 5 Personallife p 7 |
МІНІСТЕРСТВО науки и освіти України Патентно - комп'ютерний коледж Реферат В«Англомовні країниВ» В«English speaking countriesВ» Canada Работа студента І-го факультету Розробка ПЗ Колєсніка Євгенія В. Науковий Керівник- викладач Василенко Л.М. Харків, 2010 рік. План реферату Вступ. Introduction. Географічне по... |
MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION OFTHE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN GULISTAN STATE UNIVERSITY The English and Literature department Turdiboeva Mahfuza's qualification work on speciality5220100, English philology on the theme: "English predicate and its translation properties intoUzbek " Supervisor: Ibragimov O. Gulistan-2006 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S |
UNIT 1 ABOUT MYSELF I. Голоснізвуки [i], [i:]. II. Text A:В«About myselfВ», Text B: В«MyBiography В». III. Особистізайменники, визначений і невизначений артикль, множинаіменників. Phoneticwarm-up (Фонетична розминка) Голосний звук[I] При проголошенні короткого голосного звуку [i] кінчик язиказнаходиться біля ... |