Теми рефератів
Авіація та космонавтика Банківська справа Безпека життєдіяльності Біографії Біологія Біологія і хімія Біржова справа Ботаніка та сільське гос-во Бухгалтерський облік і аудит Військова кафедра Географія
Геодезія Геологія Держава та право Журналістика Видавнича справа та поліграфія Іноземна мова Інформатика Інформатика, програмування Історія Історія техніки Комунікації і зв'язок Краєзнавство та етнографія Короткий зміст творів Кулінарія Культура та мистецтво Культурологія Зарубіжна література Російська мова Маркетинг Математика Медицина, здоров'я Медичні науки Міжнародні відносини Менеджмент Москвоведение Музика Податки, оподаткування Наука і техніка Решта реферати Педагогіка Політологія Право Право, юриспруденція Промисловість, виробництво Психологія Педагогіка Радіоелектроніка Реклама Релігія і міфологія Сексологія Соціологія Будівництво Митна система Технологія Транспорт Фізика Фізкультура і спорт Філософія Фінансові науки Хімія Екологія Економіка Економіко-математичне моделювання Етика Юриспруденція Мовознавство Мовознавство, філологія Контакти
Українські реферати та твори » Иностранный язык » Контрольна робота з англійської мови

Реферат Контрольна робота з англійської мови

ebrain is further subdivided into the thalamus and hypothalamus.

2.Higherdoses produce a turning inward and sleep.

3.Theheaviest use of consumer psychology occurs in business and industry.

4.Somechildren learn two languages ​​almost as easily as one.

5.Themore you study the cleverer you will become.

4.Перепишіть речення, визначте в кожному з них

відовременних форм присудка.Письмово переведіть пропозиції на рідну мову

1.The scientistuses testing in his research.

2.Theywill try to solve this important problem at the next meeting.

3.Thelecturer described a new method in detail.

4.Theyhave just spoken to the leading psychologist.

5.Thescientists had carried out many experiments before they achieved satisfactoryresults.

5. Перепишіть іписьмово перекладіть текст: </p>


Alfred Binet,French psychologiest known for his achievement in developing a standardintelligence test.

Binet was bornon July 11, 1857, in Nice. He was educated at the Sorbonne, where he studiedlaw. However, he decided to continue his studies in medicine and psychology. In1889, at the Sorbonne, he helped to found the first psychological researchlaboratory in France. As director of the laboratory, Binet tried to developexperimental techniques to measure intelligence and reasoning ability. In 1895,he founded the first French psychological journal, L'Annee Psychologique (ThePsychological Year), and used it to publish the results of his researchstudies.

Binet's mostimportant work was in intelligence testing. With his colleague, psychologistsTheodore Simon, he developed a test to measure the mental ability of children. TheBinet-Simon Scale first appeared in 1905. It was made up of problems designedto measure general intelligence, and items were graded according to age level.The child's score, based on the number of correct answers, showed the child'smental age.

Biten died inParis on October 18, 1911. His work on intelligence measurement remainedimportant among psychologists in other countries. The Standford-Binet Scale, anadaptation of Binet's original test, was widely used for many years in theUnited States, where great importance was paid to intelligence testing.


Для студентів 1 курсу, які навчаються заспеціальності



1.Перепишіть речення, визначте функцію закінчення - s , переведіть пропозиції на ріднумова:

1.Thecorrect organization of a child's learning leads to mental development.

2.Psychologyoccupies a strategic position between sciences and humanities.

3.Manypsychologists believe that there are many kinds of memory.

4.By"Behaviour" psychologists mean everything that people and animals do.

5.Thechild's knowledge influences the structure of his intellectual processes.

2.Перепишіть речення, вживаючи займенник у потрібній формі. Переведіть пропозиціїна рідну мову

1.Do youlike _________ (you) new car? Oh, _________ (it) has never let me down yet.

2._______(They) knowledge of English is better than ________ (we).

3.Whatis _______ (you) dog's name? - _________ (It) name is Queen.

4.He cut_________ (He) shaving in the morning.

5.Thebest plan is _________ (we).

3.Перепишіть пропозиції. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на ступені порівнянняприкметників:

1.Researchin parapsychology is less clear.

2.Thereare fewer specialists in the sphere of parapsychology.

3.Hedoes his best to help workers overcome stress situations.

4.Thesooner he takes the medicine the better he will feel.

5.I likepsychology as much as you do.

4.Перепишіть речення, визначте в кожному з них видо-часову форму присудка.Письмово переведіть пропозиції на рідну мову

1.Theyhave recently demonstrated their method.

2.Theresearcher was presenting the results of his investigation when we entered theroom.

3.Areyou making an experiment now?

4.Theteacher always gives instructions to her students.

5.By theend of the year he had finished his research.

5. Перепишіть іписьмово перекладіть текст:

William James

William James(1842-1910) is an American psychologist, who developed the philosophy ofpragmatism. James was born in New York on January 11, 1842. His father, HenryJames, was a theologian. William James attended private schools in the Unit4edStates and Europe, the Lawrence Scientific School at Harvard University, andthe Harvard Medical School, from which he received a degree in 1869. Beforefinishing his medical studies, he went on an exploring expedition in Brazil andalso studied psychology in Germany. After three years of retirement due toillness, James became an instructor in physiology at Harvard in 1872. After1880 he taught psychology and philosophy at Harvard; he left Harvard in 1907and gave highly successful lectures at Columbia University and the Universityof Oxford.

James's firstbook, the monumental Principles of Psychology (1890), established him as one ofthe most influential thinkers of his time. The work was devoted to theprinciple of functionalism in psychology, thus removing psychology from itstraditional place as a branch of philosophy and establishing it among thelaboratory sciences based on experimental methods.

In the nextdecade James applied his methods iof investigation to philosophical andreligious issues. He explored the questions of the existence of God, the immortalityof the soul, free will, and ethical values ​​by referring to human religious andmoral experience. His views on these subjects were presented in the lecturesand essays published in such books as The Will to Believe and Other Essays inPopular Philosophy (1897), Human Immortality (1898) and The Varieties ofReligious Experience (1902).

James died inNew Hampshire, on August 26, 1910.


Для студентів 1 курсу, які навчаються заспеціальності



1.Перепишіть речення, визначте функцію закінчення - s , переведіть пропозиції на ріднумова:

1.Luria'steam discovered that new structure of cognitive activity appeared.

2.Psychologystudies mental activity and human behaviour.

3.Psychologydates back to the earliest speculations about the relationships of man with hisenvironment.

4.Platorecognized two classes of phenomena: things and ideas.

5.Maslow'stheory begins with physiological needs.

2.Перепишіть речення, вживаючи займенник у потрібній формі. Переведіть пропозиціїна рідну мову

1.________(He) house is opposite __________ (we).

2.Theyexcused _______ (they) for ________ (they) strange behaviour.

3.There___________ (I) meet _________ (I) friends.

4._________(We) always rely on _________ (he).

5.Thisman works at __________ (we) office.

3.Перепишіть пропозиції. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на ступені порівнянняприкметників:

1.It isbetter to learn foreign words in sentences, not by themselves.

2.Menare more sensitive than women and less tolerant to distress, heat, cold, hungerand unpleasant situations at work.

3.Themore you travel the globe studying the language of the human body the moreoptimistic you become.

4.Thehighest risk category consists of introverts.

5.Theaverage child today is as bright as the ner genius yesterday.


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